🛑 "Wait! There is more than one kind of Empath out there?"
Yes, there are so many types of Empaths. You aren't limited to just one either, but can have a stronger affinity to one over the others.
✨ Psychic/intuitive Empath: an individual who has the ability to know things with little to no logic or reasoning.

✨ Animal Empath: one with a deep connection to the feelings and emotions of animals.

✨ Plant/Nature Empath: an individual with the ability to feel Nature and plants 🪴 energy and needs.

✨ Emotional Empath: this is most empaths; feeling the emotions of others as if this was truly their own emotion.

✨ Geomantic Empath: sense at an energetic level shift within the world 🌎 happening

✨ Psychometric Empath: an individual who touches an object and feels emotions or previous ties to the object.

Which one feels more you?
Can you self identify with one or more of the above?
Not sure? Head to services and book a 30 minute discovery Zoom session
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