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What is the flow?

Unpopular opinion: going with the flow is way easier said than done. As human beings it seems like we are inherently wired to do the exact opposite of whatever "the flow" is. 🖤 Fighting up the stream 🖤 Going against the grain The "norm" as an intuitive being literally goes against the empath flow. The standard lifestyle does not fit the soul path of an intuitive path. It very much forces one to go against themselves. I start each morning with the following oil routine

WELCOMING FLOW DIFFUSER BLEND 3 d Northern Escape : the oil of stable transitions 3 d Adaptiv : the oil of adaptability Followed by rolling Rose Touch (oil of divine love) on my third eye, throat and heart chakras while affirming how I want to day to go. One of my favorite resources, Essential Emotions (app or book) lists out the emotions behind the oil. These three oils allow the freedom to flow pour out from my soul. 💾 Save this blend to welcome your true flow to manifest. #empath #intuitive #selflove #radicalselflove #doterra #doterralifestyle #empathselflove #manifestation #empathmanifestation #doterratouch #doterrarosetouch #psychic #psychicempath #oilsforempaths #acceptance #communication #doterraoils #shadowwork #healingwork #motivation #visualization #manifestation #lawofattraction #inflow #empathhealing #empathtips #emotions #intuition #intuitiveempath #diffuserblend

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